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searching for something in a land of nothing is hard, though most would claim it to be impossible, a few would even try to test the notion that something can come from nothing... remember up until 1859 spontaneous generation
was an accepted theory

And in the name of giving the finger to those who are so sure they have things all figured out, just to be proven wrong by someone they would consider an infidel outsider, creep or goon. As the mighty chuck d. once said "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back" but what he didnt state was that it takes a nation of one to kill us all.
02122002-site created...
03202002-updated things a bit.
0502002-revamped this site a bit..
02282003-after a little while off im back
04182003- the new album is finished! updated the evidence page and you can check the new cd cover and logo! the gallery is up my catalog is up..and the shits going down!!
how many freaks have crusied thru here?

shits pending
Well ive been getting some airplay on its an internet radio station, that plays all sorts of freak music...Check there in the next week or 2 to hear songs from my newest cd if you'd like they play alot of good music.
more info or other shit email me:

i dont have any music samples up yet,but i will very you can go back to surfing for porn or something else

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